
When is the best time to buy lottery tickets?

In Japanese culture, time and luck are forever bound. Its traditional six-day calendar states which days and hours are luckier than others. That’s why the time you buy lottery tickets is important. It’s best to buy them on auspicious dates and avoid doing so on unlucky days. 

Let’s dive into the best times to purchase lottery tickets here at XO Lotto and bring your luck up with spells!

Is time important when buying lottery tickets?

The time you buy a lottery ticket might seem inconsequential, but its importance is more crucial than you think. Many cultures, including Japanese culture, have special beliefs that dictate how good your luck is based on the time of day or day of the year. 

In the same vein, there are times when your luck may be low. In that case, you should avoid those days to ensure you have better chances.

Rokuyo, the traditional six-day Japanese calendar, reveals lucky and unlucky days. It also reveals which times of the day are luckier than others. This makes it easier to decide which day to buy lottery tickets.

While all of these rest on traditional beliefs, buying tickets on lucky times instead of normal or unlucky ones does wonders for your mindset. You’ll feel more confident with your ticket, which can improve your lottery winning odds. That alone is a good reason to purchase them at the right times.

4 PM before sunset, at the hours of rooster and ox

When is the best time to buy a lottery ticket?

Take note of the important dates and the best times to buy lottery tickets below for positive results:

Buy tickets at 4:00 PM before sunset

Your best chances of winning the lottery are increased when you buy a ticket at around 4:00 PM before the sun sets. It’s the time to best absorb the energy coming from the sun in the west, the direction that controls wealth according to feng shui. All these make it easier for you to improve your luck financially. 

However, this might be difficult for you to achieve during winter when the days are much shorter and the sun sets earlier. In that case, buy your ticket earlier in the day before 4:00 PM, which is when the sun sets during the winter. 

Buy online tickets at the hours of the rooster and ox

If you want to buy your tickets online, do so during the hour of the rooster from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM and the hour of the ox from 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM. These are the best times to purchase a ticket as they bring positive luck and increase your chances of winning.

Avoid buying tickets in the mornings from 9 AM to 11 AM during snake hour. It brings bad omens for lottery luck that can soil your chances.

Buy on the luckiest days of the year: Tensha-bi and Ichiryu Manbai-bi

Ichiryuu Manbai-bi is the belief that you can harvest thousands from a single grain of seed. It’s an auspicious day for buying lottery tickets and growing your luck by a hundredfold or more. It has different days differing per year determined during January.

Tensha-bi is another lucky day when God forgives all sins. It has fewer days in a year, but those that coincide with Ichiryu Manbai-bi are believed to be the luckiest days of the year. 

These dates change every year based on the traditional calendar. January 6, March 21 and August 4 are these lucky dates in 2023. Look out for the next ones next year and plan your lottery purchase ahead of time for more luck!

Aside from these two, tiger days and snake days are also believed to be auspicious for wealth, prosperity and increasing luck. They also come in multiple days and change according to the traditional Japanese calendar.

Buy on lucky Rokuyo days 

Of the six days in Rokuyo, four are lucky, with three having specific lucky hours. These are times when it’s best to buy lottery tickets. See when to buy your tickets below:

  • Sensho – Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon; buy tickets in the morning before 1:00 PM
  • Tomobiki – Good luck throughout the day except at noon; buy tickets whenever except at noon or the hour of the horse (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
  • Sakimake – Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon; buy tickets in the afternoon after 1:00 PM
  • Taian – Good luck throughout the day; buy tickets whenever.

When is not a good time to buy lottery tickets?

Just as there are optimal times for you to purchase lottery tickets, there are times that you shouldn’t buy tickets.  Avoid times with negative energy surrounding them, as this will make you unlikely to win the lottery. Below, we’ve listed some examples you should take note of when not to buy tickets.


This day is the day that Buddha died and means ‘all things lead to destruction.’ In Japanese culture, this is considered a bad day for any kind of celebration and should be avoided when trying to attract good luck. Many believe that this day generally brings bad omens.

Butsumetsu is known to the Japanese as the worst day for celebrations like marriage and new beginnings. This includes purchasing lottery tickets. Regardless of the time of day, you should avoid buying tickets as it will rarely give you the results you want, if at all. 

Look at the traditional Japanese calendar to see Butsumetsu days.

Red Mouth

Also known as Akakuchi, Red Mouth is said to be the second worst day in the Japanese calendar and should be avoided at all costs. According to traditional Japanese beliefs, the world of the living and the dead are brought closer to each other on this day, bringing demons into our world. These demons cause trouble and bring bad omens.

Despite the day’s bad reputation, you can take advantage of windows of opportunity. Many believe that demons rest from 11 AM to 1 PM. While this is a good time to purchase tickets on Akakuchi, it’s still better to be safe and just buy tickets on a more auspicious day.

Unfulfilled day 

Also known as Fujojubi, Japanese culture believes this is one of the unluckiest days in the Japanese calendar as it is believed to be the day of failure. It should come as no surprise that you should avoid buying tickets on a day when it’s widely believed to have nothing going well. Additionally, it’s good practice to avoid making big decisions on this day as it will likely go awry.

Death date

The Day of the Dead is considered one of the worst days on the Japanese calendar for its bad fortune. Similar to Butsumetsu, celebrations should be avoided on this day as it could turn out for the worse. Some go as far as to say that falling ill on the death day could lead to an untimely death.

This does not bode well if you want to win the lottery. Avoid buying a ticket on this day even if it coincides with an auspicious day because even then, your chances of winning will not be high.


Tips for buying lottery tickets at the right time

Timing is everything when you buy Loto tickets. Consider these tips and techniques to maximise your winning chances and get the best results.

Find out what time your store opens

The first thing you should do is determine what time your go-to store opens and distributes lottery tickets. This is especially important if you prefer to buy your tickets at a physical store. This will give you a good idea of when you should buy your tickets based on the auspicious times of the day.

Plan your purchase on auspicious days

Japanese calendars mark lucky and unlucky days based on Rokuyo. This makes planning when to buy lottery tickets a lot easier. One look at the calendar, and you’ll know which days to avoid. Mark lucky days on your calendar and buy tickets during lucky hours on those days.

Buy in a place you’re not familiar with

If you find yourself in an area you’re not familiar with or a place you’ve never been to before, consider buying lottery tickets. Chaotic energy should normally be avoided, but in this case, you could use that to your advantage. 

Because of the inherent unpredictability of the lottery, the irregular change in energy might match. Having your energy aligned with the erratic randomness of the lottery might increase your chances of winning.

Try buying your tickets on-site

Japanese culture often emphasises the importance of the movement and flow of energy. For this reason, it’s better to buy your tickets at a physical location if you can. The more you move and take the time to buy a ticket, the more you experience and receive more of that energy, which is said to be good for lottery luck.

This also follows the concept of the ‘law of attraction’. From the lottery store, down to your place in line to buy the ticket, those can all be seen as signs as to whether or not you should buy the ticket. For this reason, places with longer queues are recommended.

Give what you can back to the community

In Japanese culture, karma is an important concept that refers to the sum of a person’s previous actions. It’s a deciding factor for their fate in the future. For example, doing good deeds will give you good karma and positive outcomes. 

With this in mind, you should give what you can and donate to communities in need to increase your financial luck. Not only are you doing something that could benefit others, but you’re potentially giving yourself a better chance at winning the lottery. 

If you do win, remember to give back to the community again as thanks. Return the favour to continue the good karmic cycle.

Consider the direction of the store you’re buying from

Energy and luck flow in specific directions. It’s in your best interest to understand those relative to where you live and your lottery store to maximise your luck. Here’s how to find a store that will give you the most luck and the best chances of winning the lottery.

  1. Pick stores based on zodiac positions

From your home, find stores that are southeast of the Snake’s position, west of the Rooster’s position or northeast of the Ox’s position. The directions aren’t specific, but do your best to keep to them since they can determine your luck.

  1. Purchase tickets at these stores on specific days

Once you’ve determined these three stores, go to certain ones on auspicious days based on your Chinese zodiac sign. Here’s a guide you can follow to figure out which store you should visit and when:

  • Rooster zodiac sign
    • Visit the store in the Snake direction during the Ox’s day
    • Visit the store in the Ox direction during the Snake’s day
  • Snake zodiac sign 
    • Visit the store in the Rooster direction during the Ox’s day
    • Visit the store in the Ox’s direction during the Rooster’s day
  • Ox zodiac sign
    • Visit the store in the Ox’s direction during the Rooster’s day
    • Visit the store in the Snake’s or Rooster’s direction during the Snake’s day

Get the best timing and amazing luck when you play lotto games at XO Lotto

Lottery ticket purchase time is a big deal that can affect your luck with so many lucky and unlucky days and hours in Japanese tradition. Use this knowledge to bet at the right time. Who knows, you just might get really lucky and win a jackpot!

So plan your bets, make the most out of your newfound luck and play lotto games at XO Lotto! We offer the most convenient online lottery betting experience with huge jackpot prizes at stake. 

All you have to do is check out the schedule for your desired event, wait for the draw of the lotto result and see if you’re a lucky winner. What are you waiting for? It’s about time you start winning at XO Lotto!

Best lottery timing: Frequently asked questions

How many lottery tickets to buy?

In the lottery, the more tickets you buy, the better your chances get. However, it’s important to only spend what you safely can. Purchasing up to 10 tickets is a good rule of thumb to follow if you want to find a balance between responsible gambling and maximising your chances.

Is there an ideal time to purchase a lottery ticket for better chances of winning the jackpot?

The hour before sunset at 4:00 PM is a lucky time to purchase tickets since the West controls wealth according to feng shui. It’s the best time to absorb the sun’s powerful energy while it’s in the auspicious direction.

Does the time of day or week affect your odds of winning a lottery?

Yes, it is based on Rokuyo, the traditional six-day Japanese calendar system. It states which days and hours are lucky and unlucky. 

For example, Butsumetsu or the day Buddha died, is an unlucky day when new ventures are likely to fail. Taian, which means ‘great peace’, lies on the opposite end of the spectrum and is believed to be an auspicious day that leads to success.


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